Saturday, 26 April 2014

Flashorama 1.3-2 latest Cydia Tweak having InstantCamera Compatibility Option

Flashorama 1.3-2 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch At iPhone Family Galaxy we are offering you different software applications for your iPhone | iPad and other iDevices. This time we are presenting the iPhone & iPad application developed by the PoomSmart, which has been recently launched named as Flashorama 1.3-2 especially developed for iPhone | iPad and other iDevices. The latest update contains InstantCamera compatibility,...

Saturday, 5 April 2014

LivePapers 1.1.0-1 Latest Cydia Tweak Optimized with CardSwitcher

LivePapers 1.1.0-1 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch  According to iPhone Family Galaxy Porkholt Labs has just launched LivePapers 1.1.0-1 With regard to Apple iPhone & iPad at BigBoss Repo. LivePapers v1.1.0-1 up-date provides compatibility along with CardSwitcher, General stability enhancements, brand-new wallpapers notify hosting server, Configuration pane within, additional improvements as well as numerous bug...

Bubbles Pro LivePaper 1.1.0-1 Latest Cydia Tweak Having Configurable Idle Timer

Bubbles Pro LivePaper 1.1.0-1 Download for iPhone|iPad|iPod Touch Through iPhone Family Galaxy we are offering you different software applications for your iPhone | iPad and other iDevices. This time we are presenting the iPhone & iPad application developed by the Porkholt Labs, which has been recently launched named as Bubbles Pro LivePaper 1.1.0-1. Bubbles Pro LivePaper 1.1.0-1 and its latest update contains "configurable idle...

Whozcalling 3.0-1 Latest Cydia Tweak for Calls & SMS Monitization

Whozcalling 3.0-1 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch iPhone Family Galaxy is providing you with latest gadgets, jailbreaks, cracked software, and apps for iPhone, iPad, and all iDevices. This time we are providing you the app developed by the Chen Fei who has introduced his Whozcalling 3.0-1 application especially designed for Apple iPhone & iPad in Cydia Store. The Whozcalling v3.0-1 Cydia Tweak on iPhone Family Galaxy enables you to...

Harlem Shake Latest Cydia Tweak to Execute Your Lockscreen Favorite Meme

Harlem Shake 1.0-1 Download for iPhone | iPad |iPod Touch iPhone Family Galaxy is mentioning that FilippoBiga has just introduced Harlem Shake 1.0-1 pertaining to the Apple iPhone & iPad. Harlem Shake v1.0-1 latest version is actually a Cydia tweak that allows you to to incorporate activator activity to create your lockscreen or even icons perform the widely accepted meme. To manage  Harlem Shake v1.0-1 You are able to manage...

Emulator ROMs 3.1 Latest Cydia Tweak Offering Several Crash Fixes

Emulator ROMs 3.1 for iPhone | iPad | i Pod Touch  Once again on iPhone Family Galaxy we are providing you the information regarding the app of same developer Chen Fei, who has developed Emulator Roms 3.1 for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch in Cydia Store. This latest Emulator ROMs v3.1 update for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch, comes in the market with several crash fixes. Furthermore, this app present on iPhone Family Galaxy provides emulators...

BatteryDoctorPro 3.7.3-275-1 Cydia Tweak with Support for Deutsch

BatteryDoctorPro 3.7.3-275-1 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch  iPhone Family Galaxy has noticed that Kingsoft Security has introduced their BatteryDoctorPro 3.7.3-275-1 designed intended for Apple iPhone & other iDevices. The BatteryDoctorPro v3.7.3-275-1 on iPhone Family Galaxy and its up-date provides assistance for iPhone 5, Deutsch support, LTE 4G switch, additional functionality enhancements as well as small bug repairs,...