Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Gridlock 2.0 2.0.2 Cydia Tweak for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch With Enhanced Folder Assistance

Gridlock 2.0 2.0.2 Download for iPhone | iPod Touch | iPad Gridlock 2.0 2.0.2 has obtained very good position within cydia tweak because of its best functions as well as well-known designer Chpwn. Gridlock 2.0 v2.0.2 on iPhone Family Galaxy has been launched along with the installation and new improved folder enhancer assistance. Gridlock 2.0 doesn't making fake app icons, leaving behind icon shadows, or even vacant areas between the application...

AirBlue Sharing 1.0.8 Latest Cydia Tweak With Fixed iPad 6.x Issues

AirBlueSharing v1.0.8 Download for iPhone| iPad | iPod Touch iPhone Family Galaxy is presenting you now AirBlue Sharing 1.0.8 iOS6 Deb Source Repo: Just like other Jailbreak Tweaks, Eric Day has updated his well-known Sharing Tweak AirBlue Sharing as well. Almost all cydia consumers were expecting AirBlue Sharing and yes it offers the iOS6 assistance now. AirBlue Sharing 1.0.8 has included now an account activation mirror. All credit goes toward...

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

SMSNinja 1.4.1 Latest Cydia Tweak for iOS 6 & 5

SMSNinja 1.4.1Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch At iPhone Family Galaxy we are offering you different software applications for your iPhone|iPad and other iDevices. This time we are presenting the iPhone & iPad application developed by the snakeninny, which has been recently launched named as SMSNinja 1.4.1 especially developed for iPhone|iPad and other iDevices on Cydia Store. SMSNinja 1.4.1 and its latest update contain additional...

OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3 with Boot Camp Support for Windows 8

OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3 Apple has released OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3 revise which includes Boot Camp support for installing Windows 8, capability to redeem iTunes gift cards using built-in camera, Boot camp support for Apple computers (Macs) with a 3TB hard drive, Safari 6.0.3, compatibility improvements, stability improvements as well as various bug fixes, including an  issue with Logic Pro and an audio stuttering issue on 2011 iMacs. OS...

ayeconspringboard 1.3.3 iOS6 Latest Cydia Theme For iPhone | iPod Touch

ayeconspringboard v1.3.3 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod iPhone Family Galaxy is focused to provide you the latest iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch software. Surenix Probably the most Identified persona in iOS Theme area has updated his Well-known Ayecon sequence templates. Several Well-known Jailbreakers as well as programmers love “Surenix” because of his effort in offering essential iOS themes or templates. This time on iPhone Family Galaxy we...

AirBlue Sharing 1.0.14 Released Update for Enhanced Music Import With Regards to Apple iPhone 5

AirBlue Sharing v1.0.14 Download For iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch iPhone Family Galaxy is offering AirBlue Sharing 1.0.8 iOS6 Deb Source Repo: As with other Jailbreak Tweaks, Eric Day has additionally updated his well-known Sharing Tweak AirBlue Sharing as well. Almost all Cydia consumers were expecting AirBlue Sharing and has now received the iOS6 assistance now. AirBlue Sharing 1.0.14 on iPhone Family Galaxy has included build with regard...

Private Space 1.1-1 Latest Cydia Tweak Having Customization to Hide Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn from Share Widget

Private Space 1.1-1 Download for iPhone | iPad | iDevices At iPhone Family Galaxy we are offering you different software applications for your iPhone | iPad and other iDevices. This time we are presenting the iPhone & iPad application developed by the “Merlin”, which has been recently launched named as Private Space 1.1-1 especially developed for iPhone | iPad and other iDevices at Cydia Store. The latest update of Private...

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Latest SBRotator 6 6.4-5 Updated for FaceTime Rotating Problem

SBRotator 6 v6.4-5 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch SBRotator6 is a SpringBoard Rotator that revolves the actual SpringBoard. SBRotator 6 6.4-5 has repaired the Notification Center scroll down problem inside SpringBoard right after locking the device and unlocking.  You can now Download/Install this specific tweak and may obtain rotational SpringBoard. SBRotator6 for iOS 6.1 has ideal assistance with Scrolling Board. Furthermore,...

CallBar 2.3-32 For iOS 6 Fixed All Minor Problems Now

CallBar 2.3-32 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch For iOS 6 Fixed All Minor Problems The recent CallBar 2.3-32 on iPhone Family Galaxy, has repaired a problem in which CallBar would come in wrong positioning. The CallBar iOS 6 present on iPhone Family Galaxy allows you do your job without disruption and offers you the option to deal with the problem effortlessly. Don’t permit inbound phone anymore or The face-time phone calls disrupt while...

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

EvasiOn 1.5.3 Untethered Jailbreak for Windows, Mac & Linux

EvasiOn 1.5.3 Download for Windows | Mac | Linux At iPhone Family Galaxy we are offering you different software applications for your iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch. This time we are presenting the iPhone & iPad application developed by the Evad3rs, which has been recently launched named as EvasiOn 1.5.3 especially developed for Linux, Mac, and Windows intended for untethered jailbreak. EvasiOn 1.5.3 and its latest update contain localization...

Evasion 1.5.2 Jailbreaking Latest Tool For iPhone | iPod | iPad Released With New Languages & Bug Fixes

EvasiOn 1.5.2 Download for Linux, Mac, and Windows At iPhone family world we are offering you different software applications for your iPhone|iPad and other iDevices. This time we are presenting the iPhone & iPad application developed by the Evad3rs, which has been recently launched named as EvasiOn 1.5.2 especially developed for Linux, Mac, and Windows intended for untethered jailbreak. EvasiOn 1.5.2 and its latest update...

TetherMe 2.4-17 iOS 6 With Latest Cydia Tweak With Fixed iPad 2 Problem

TetherMe v2.4-17 Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod  Touch iPhone Family Galaxy and on various sites Tethering got the significance for numerous applications. The well-known application TetherMe has been upgraded for Latest Firmware by Apple company, which is available on our site iPhone Family Galaxy. TetherMe 2.4-17 is the latest edition with repaired iPad2 problem on iOS6+ in which the choice to allow tethering wasn't usually noticeable....

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Latest WinterBoard 0.9.3911 Ruled Out The Dreaded “Vnode” Leak

WinterBoard v0.9.3911Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch “Jay Freeman Saurik” the actual Cydia Proprietor has up-to-date his well-known application WinterBoard once more. A number of small problems are actually fixed in the past WinterBoard edition therefore Saurik has updated this application. The iPhone Family Galaxy, is providing WinterBoard 0.9.3911 with fixed problem of Background working applications while using the WinterBoard....

MyWi 6 6.00.11 Latest Update with More Fascinating Features

MyWi 6 6.00.11 Latest Update with More Fascinating Features Our site iPhone Family Galaxy is presenting MyWi 6 6.00.11, which is available these days at Cydia store for up buying/license agreement where one can update or buy this excellent application quickly. MyWi 6 6.00.11 on iPhone Family Galaxy has been upgraded to solve several bugs and to enhance the performance by including more effective functions and functionality. MyWi 6 with...