Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The Latest WinterBoard 0.9.3911 Ruled Out The Dreaded “Vnode” Leak

WinterBoard v0.9.3911Download for iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch

Jay Freeman Saurik” the actual Cydia Proprietor has up-to-date his well-known application WinterBoard once more. A number of small problems are actually fixed in the past WinterBoard edition therefore Saurik has updated this application. The iPhone Family Galaxy, is providing WinterBoard 0.9.3911 with fixed problem of Background working applications while using the WinterBoard. The answer for this issue isn't the WinterBoard v0.9.3911 on iPhone Family Galaxy yet to un-install the last edition and re-install this particular brand-new version. By making use of WinterBoard Deb, simply provide your apple iPhone or iPod Touch a graphic renovation. Just about anything in Apple’s Operating-system, WinterBoard offers hook varieties that let images artists safely.

WinterBoard 0.9.3911 - iphone family galaxy | iphone family
WinterBoard 0.9.3911

The WinterBoard0.9.3911 Deb on iPhone Family Galaxy enables you to Multiple theme deals could be set up at the same time while using the settings user interface. You are able to drag out themes to top priority orders. Springboard fails has been repaired helping to make this edition more valuable from earlier one currently. You can also discuss WinterBoard iOS6 and also bugs within this edition by means of IRC: upon irc.saurik.com, #winterboard.

How to Install Deb File to your iDevices

Download Link

How to make Themes Saurik


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