BatteryDoctorPro 3.8.1-294 Cydia Tweak
"Kingsoft Security" has released BatteryDoctorPro 3.8.1-294 for iPhone & iPad at iPhone Family Galaxy. BatteryDoctorPro v3.8.1-294 update gets new “Do Not Disturb” toggle, new “Personal Hotspot” new “Screenshot” toggle, toggle, Wi-Fi/VPN/Bluetooth long hold to open the settings, Brightness support “Remain” of “Mode Presets”, other performance enhancements and small bug fixes.
BatteryDoctorPro 3.8.1-294
This Cydia Tweak for monitor and optimize the battery of your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad in a specialized way. Also move significant toggles and settings into your Status Bar or Notification Center.
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