Sunday, 29 December 2013

MyWi 6 6.00.13 Cydia Tweak with Stability Enhancements

MyWi 6 6.00.13 Cydia Tweak

"Intelliborn" has released MyWi 6 6.00.13 for iPhone and iPad at iPhone Family Galaxy through Cydia Store. MyWi 6 v6.00.13 update includes completely redesigned user interface, battery life improvements, performance enhancements and basically lets users to create a WiFi HotSpot and connect their iPhone or iPad to laptop or any mobile device. Users can also enable Bluetooth and USB tethering.
MyWi 6 6.00.13 - iphone family galaxy | iphone family
MyWi 6 6.00.13
You can download MyWi 6 v6.00.13 for iPhone and iPad from source link given below.

Download MyWi 6 6.00.13


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